Securing Your First Music Publishing Deal: Essential Tips

Signing with a music publisher for the first time is a pivotal moment in any producer's career. It can open doors to new opportunities, provide financial stability, and enhance your industry presence. However, navigating this process requires careful consideration and strategic planning. This article outlines essential factors to keep in mind when negotiating your first publishing deal, helping you make informed decisions that can shape your future in music.


Advances can be a significant boost, especially for young producers. An advance ranging from $10k to $20k can enable you to transition into full-time music production. If initial capital is your primary obstacle, a publisher's advance might be worth considering. However, be cautious of substantial advances, especially from major publishers, as they can lock you into long-term, unfavorable terms. A $100k advance might seem appealing, but it can limit your mid-term flexibility. Be realistic about your financial needs and only accept an advance that aligns with your actual requirements.

Length Of Contract And Rights Holding

The industry standard for exclusive deals is typically three years. Music publishers used to take your works under contract for the statutory term of protection. This varies from country to country and is around 70 years. However, this contractual clause is no longer the norm. It's crucial to negotiate these terms. Aim for an opt-out clause after 25-50 years, allowing you to regain 100% ownership of your rights by filing a request with your publisher. Be wary of any extension clauses tied to specific benchmarks. While these clauses aren't inherently problematic, ensure the benchmarks are achievable and not overly ambitious.


There is no universal standard for splits, as they vary by country and individual deals. Discuss terms with your peers to understand what is reasonable and beneficial. Remember, splits are negotiable, especially if you have multiple offers. Use competing offers as leverage to negotiate better terms with your preferred publisher. Aim for a deal that reflects the value you bring to the table.


Timing is crucial when signing with a publisher. Some producers choose to delay signing because they anticipate stronger negotiation power in the near future. This can be a wise decision if you expect significant additions to your catalog soon. However, it's essential to be realistic about your expectations. Sometimes, waiting results in signing under the same conditions later. Ensure you genuinely need a publisher at this moment. If you foresee substantial growth in your catalog, waiting could improve your terms and attract more publishers, allowing you to choose the best fit.

Signing with a music publisher is a major step in your career, one that requires thorough consideration of advances, contract length, splits, and timing. By understanding these key factors and negotiating wisely, you can secure a deal that not only meets your immediate needs but also supports your long-term goals in the music industry. Make sure to weigh your options carefully and seek advice from trusted peers to navigate this critical decision successfully.

About Us

Through ArtistConnect, we have established a management company called Sonar, which includes divisions like Sonar A, focusing on German producers collaborating with German artists, and Sonar X, dedicated to placing loops from international loop makers in the US market with big-name artists. We are proud to have multiple #1 and platinum-awarded producers on our roster.

For further inquiries or to submit an application for management with some beats/loops, please contact us at